Learn directly from Unidata developers at the training workshop.
The 2012 Unidata Software Training Workshops will be held October 22 – November 7 at the Unidata Program Center in Boulder, Colorado.
Unidata's training workshops are created and presented by the software developers and support staff for each package, so you can be sure to get your questions answered!
Registration extended:
Last day to register is October 1st!
More information is available on the Training Workshops page.
2012 Software Training Workshop Dates | |
October 22-24 | THREDDS Data Server (TDS) |
October 25-26 | netCDF |
October 29- morning November 1 |
afternoon November 1- November 2 |
November 5-7 | GEMPAK with an Introduction to AWIPS-II |
We do not currently have a McIDAS session scheduled. However if you are interested in attending one, please contact Tina Campbell at campbell@unidata.ucar.edu, and if we have enough interest, we will schedule one. |