The 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting in will be held 10–14 January 2021 in New Orleans, LA. This year's theme is “Strengthening engagement with communities through our science and service.” The submission deadline for abstracts is 3 August 2020.
See the Call for Papers for details.
Abstracts for the 20th Annual Student Conference are due by 21 September 2020.
Meeting organizers are still in the process of determining how to best hold the 2021 meeting. From the meeting web site's COVID-19 page:
We recognize the uncertainty of the situation, and with this in mind we are considering several options to ensure we are able to share our science with each other and continue to advance the well-being of the weather, water, and climate community and the broader public that we serve. Scenarios we are considering include an in-person meeting with added virtual options, a mix that is focused on mostly virtual participation but includes some in-person components, and a completely virtual meeting.
If you have not done so already, we encourage you to take the AMS's brief Survey on the 2021 Annual Meeting.

The American Geophysical Union's 2020 Fall Meeting in will be held 7-11 December 2020 in San Francisco, CA. This year's theme is “Shaping the Future of Science.” The submission deadline for abstracts is 29 July 2020.
See the Fall Meeting website for details.
Meeting organizers have decided that the 2020 Fall meeting will be “Mostly Virtual.” For details, see AGU Fall Meeting is virtual (mostly) and remains global (always) on the AGU Blog.