The 2014 annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers will be held from April 8 to April 12, 2014 in Tampa, Florida. The meeting brings together geographers, GIS specialists, weather and climate scientists, and other leaders for the latest in research and applications in geography, sustainability, and GIScience. The meeting will feature over 4,500 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, experts, and researchers.
Information about the meeting is available at the AAG Annual Meeting website.
Of special interest to weather and climate scientists:
- Climate-related activities including the Presidential Plenary Session with experts Mike Hulme, Linda Mearns, Susanne (Susi) Moser, Marshall Shepherd, and AAG President Julie Winkler.
- Numerous sessions on climate-related topics, including five on hurricanes.
- Climate Specialty Group guest speaker Michael Mann discussing “Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming” on Thursday, April 10.
- A Climate specialty group party on Thursday, April 10, 7-10pm.
- Field trips, including a visit with the Hurricane Hunters.
Register before March 15, 2014 for a discount on attendance. The deadline for poster submissions is March 20, 2014. For more information, contact Oscar Larson at meeting@aag.org.
In addition, Unidata Users Committee member Dr. Jennifer Collins notes:
The West Central Florida Chapter of the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting and Banquet are Monday, April 7th (the day before the AAG meeting). Michael Mann will be the guest speaker, discussing “The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars” and his experiences in the climate change debate. This is a different talk than he is giving for AAG. Information on the meeting is available in this flyer.