Welcome back to AWIPS Tips! This week we are putting a spotlight on Learn AWIPS CAVE, which has moved to Unidata’s new eLearning hub, Unidata eLearning. When you create an account with Unidata eLearning, your progress through Learn AWIPS CAVE is saved to your account so you can easily pick up where you left off. Upon completion of all lessons, you will also be awarded a badge on your profile.
To start the course, first go to the Unidata eLearning home page and create a new account. Once your account is created, you will be able to self enroll in Learn AWIPS CAVE, complete the questionnaire, and begin learning! There are two additional things to note:
- You will need to verify your account via a link sent to your email, so check your spam folder if you don’t see it after a few minutes. If you need further assistance, contact support-elearning@unidata.ucar.edu.
- The existing home of Learn AWIPS CAVE will be deprecated on March 1, 2022. So please plan your migration to Unidata eLearning accordingly.
Interested in what’s inside Learn AWIPS CAVE? Then keep reading to take a closer look at one of the lessons: Create time series and vertical cross-section displays.
Learn AWIPS CAVE as a whole scaffolds the prerequisite knowledge required to complete workflows in CAVE. This is done by first demonstrating the skill, then offering a guided tutorial, followed by a challenge or assessment of skill. In the lesson Create time series and vertical cross-section displays, the learner begins with an overview of the Volume Browser. They first see a demonstration, then follow a guided tutorial, and finally complete an assessment for using the Volume Browser before learning the next prerequisite skill.

Next, the Points and Baselines tools are introduced. An interactive video steps learners through the process for editing both points and baselines, pausing for the learner to repeat steps on their own as a setup for the following activities.

The learner then creates both a time series display and a vertical cross section display via a tutorial followed by guiding questions to examine their results.

Finally the learner is presented with a challenge where they must find a localized potential vorticity (PV) maximum on the globe and examine its vertical structure. A high-level introduction to the concept of PV is introduced, including three idealized examples of vertical PV structures for different types of cyclones. After the learner identifies a PV maximum, they are asked to compare its vertical structure to the idealized examples, and are prompted to question if the vertical structure of PV is consistent with the location of the associated cyclone.

You can access this and all other lessons in Learn AWIPS CAVE by checking out the AWIPS Educational Resources page. Check back in two weeks for the next blog post, where we’ll discuss EDEX data retention.
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This blog was posted in reference to v18.2.1-1 of NSF Unidata AWIPS