Welcome back to AWIPS Tips!
This week we’re going to take a bit of a deep dive into a useful feature in CAVE: sampling. If you are new to AWIPS Tips, you can take a look at one of our first blogs, which also briefly touches on sampling at the very end of the blog. Sampling is one of the most rudimentary ways of interrogating data displayed in CAVE. The sampling function is accessed through the Display Menu where it can be turned on and off. The Display Menu is found by right-click-holding on the main editor display.
NOTE: You must have data already loaded that may implement sampling to see the option in the Display Menu – map resources do not implement sampling.
For the remainder of this blog, we’ll take a look at various datasets that implement sampling and what it looks like in CAVE. We’ll show you some simple sampling readouts, and some more complex ones. The examples will show individual resources loaded, as well as multiple datasets loaded, and how hiding the resources changes the sampling output. Sampling data are delineated by different lines and different colors to match the loaded data.
NOTE: Keep in mind not all data products have sampling – for example data displayed as contours will not have sampling.
Surface Temperature
Surface Menu > Surface Temperature
Surface Winds
Surface Menu > Surface Winds
Watches, Warnings, Advisories
Surface Menu > All Weather Statements
GOES Imagery
Satellite Menu > GOES-East Conus > 7.34 µm Low-level Water Vapor IR Band (Ch 10)
Model Data (GFS with Multiple Products)
Models Menu > GFS 1.00° Global > Sfc Temperature and Wind
Models Menu > GFS 1.00° Global > Sfc Dewpoint
4 Panel Radar
Radar Menu > Dial Radars > kmhxx-kmxx > kmlb > 0.5 base data
Upper Air Menu > PIREP Plots > Low Level
Radar N0Q - 0.5 Reflectivity
Radar Menu > N0Q - 0.5 Reflectivity > Southwest
RGB GOES Product
Satellite Menu > GOES-East Conus > RGB Composites with DP Readouts > Air Mass RGB + Moisture Products
NOTE: The examples in this blog were created using our current Beta version of AWIPS (v20.3.2).
Thanks for joining us and check back in two weeks for the next blog post.
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This blog was posted in reference to v20.3.2-0.4 of NSF Unidata AWIPS