Welcome back to AWIPS Tips!
This week we’d like to highlight our upcoming presence at the 2024 American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting.
Student Workshop

The AWIPS team at NSF Unidata is proud to announce our first workshop at the 2024 AMS Student Conference. Our in-person AWIPS workshop will take place on Sunday, January 28th, at 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM EST in room 342 at The Baltimore Convention Center. Please join us then to get an overview of the components of AWIPS (CAVE, EDEX, and python-awips), as well as some interactive activities, and presentation on the values of learning AWIPS in the classroom. Learn more about how AWIPS can prepare you for the job force, and hear first hand experience from a student at one of our core AWIPS member universities at Texas A&M.
Student Career and Resource Fair

In addition to our new participation in the Student Conference Workshop, members of our AWIPS team will also be available at our NSF Unidata booth during the Student Career Fair on Saturday, January 27th. Stop by to chat with staff and previous student interns to learn more about what AWIPS has to offer. Speaking of, our 2024 internship program is currently accepting applications for this summer’s cohort. Please feel free to apply and introduce yourself in person at AMS.
Annual AWIPS Update
Finally, we are giving our annual talk about our NSF Unidata AWIPS update. The talk will take place on Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM EST, in room 336 at The Baltimore Convention Center. Come meet our team to learn more about how AWIPS can be used in your classroom and in your meteorology department.
We look forward to seeing you there! Check back in two weeks for the next blog post about a new supported dataset in AWIPS.
To view archived blogs, visit the AWIPS Tips blog tag, and get notified of the latest updates from the AWIPS team by signing up for the AWIPS mailing list. Questions or suggestions for the team on future topics? Let us know at support-awips@unidata.ucar.edu