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AWIPS 23.4.1-0.4 is a beta release, with both EDEX and CAVE installation options.
This release (building upon previous versions 23.*) includes a major upgrade for the operating system, running on Rocky 8 Linux – which is a free Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution for EDEX and linux based CAVE.
This release is still in beta since the National Weather Service (NWS) is still working on their 23.4.1 release to operations. In the interim, we are waiting on final clearance from the NWS, before releasing a production (non-beta) version and source code. Users will have the option of installing their own EDEX, or continue to connect to Unidata's public EDEX (edex-beta.unidata.ucar.edu).
NOTE: We will still have our version 20 public EDEX up and available at edex-cloud.unidata.ucar.edu, but the version of CAVE you are running has to match the version of EDEX it's connected to (ex. version 23.* of CAVE will not connect to version 20.* of EDEX and vice versa).
Warning: At the end of the 2024 calendar year, our version 20 public EDEX will be decommissioned due to RedHat7/Rocky7 End of Life and you will be forced to update to version 23 to continue to access data.
Major Updates:
- Operating System upgrade from RHEL7 (CentOS7) to RHEL8 (Rocky8)
- Python upgrade from Python 3.6 to 3.11
- Minor Java upgrade to a newer version of openJDK 11
AWIPS Updates:
- Add Marginal and Enhanced risks to PGEN outlooks
- Add in new datasets (ingest, decoders, and displays):
- CIMSS GOES Lightning Cast
- CIMSS GOES Turbulence Probability
- HiResW-CONUS gridded model data
- FV3 gridded model data
- Enhancements made to RAWS observation plots and sample readout
Windows CAVE
- Fixed toolbar with missing magnification dropdown
- Fixed default start-up CAVE windows to fit screen
How to Install EDEX 23.4.1-0.4
Visit our EDEX Installation Page and follow the instructions for installing EDEX on a Linux machine.
How to Install CAVE 23.4.1-0.4
Visit our CAVE Installation Page and see options for the Linux, Windows, and Virtual Machine installation methods.
EDEX Connection
Select the server in the Connectivity Preferences dialog, or enter edex-beta.unidata.ucar.edu.
To report any bugs/issues/broken functionality, please fill out this short form.
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Posted by Sebastian on October 30, 2024 at 05:53 AM MDT #