Welcome back to AWIPS Tips!
We hope everyone is enjoying 2024 so far! At the end of last year, we announced a Please update to our latest version of CAVE and then everything will work again.
If you had been running our beta version of CAVE at any point in the last 6 months, you may have noticed it pointed to a public EDEX with the url of edex-beta.unidata.ucar.edu. This url is no longer active. You can point your installed version 20 to the main edex-cloud.unidata.ucar.edu url, but we also recommend you still update to the latest version of CAVE to get all the most recent bug fixes and improvements.
If you have been using python-awips any time before the newest AWIPS release last month, you may now notice that previously working scripts/notebooks/etc may no longer work. This is because the EDEX url of edex-cloud.unidata.ucar.edu has been updated to a version 20.3.2-1 EDEX, and your package of python-awips is still a version 18 installation. To remedy this problem, please simply upgrade python-awips. You can do so either with pip or conda:
pip install --upgrade python-awips
conda update python-awips
We also changed our default branch in the python-awips github repository. So, if you have the github repo cloned locally, you may want to check out the new default branch:
git checkout -b v20 origin/v20
Our eLearning courses for AWIPS are also now fully updated with the latest content to match v20.3.2-1. The Learn Python-AWIPS course did not require any changes, and still requires you to download the current default repository (“v20”) and complete the Source Code Examples Install instructions. This will guarantee your version of python-awips is fully capable of completing all the tutorials in the learning course. If you have already cloned the git repository, please refer to the previous section for checking out the new v20 branch.
Our other eLearning course, Learn AWIPS CAVE, now requires you to install v20.3.2 of CAVE to follow along with the tutorials and learning objectives. All content in the eLearning course should now accurately reflect the menus, windows, dialogs and general appearance of CAVE v20.3.2. The content of the course is still the same, so if you or your students have completed it previously, there is no need to complete it again (except of course as a refresher, which we encourage at any time).
Issue Reporting
During our beta release and testing cycle we created a short Google Form to submit issues and bugs. We have decided to continue with the use of the form since it assists in tracking and progressing with the reported issues. Please feel free to continue using our issue reporting form if you come across any problems or suggestions and we will respond to you through our eSupport email messaging system.
You can also always contact us at support-awips@unidata.ucar.edu
Thanks for joining this week and hope you are enjoying our new release of CAVE. Check back in two weeks for the next blog post, highlighting our upcoming student workshop at AMS 2024.
To view archived blogs, visit the AWIPS Tips blog tag, and get notified of the latest updates from the AWIPS team by signing up for the AWIPS mailing list. Questions or suggestions for the team on future topics? Let us know at support-awips@unidata.ucar.edu