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Today we’re going to walk through the process of saving user configurations and overrides locally. This process can be helpful to have a backup version of these files, if you are connecting to different EDEX servers, or an EDEX server was updated and no longer has your files.
For the purposes of this example, we’ll use a custom created color map as the file we’d like to save locally on a macOS machine.
To save your files locally:
Once you have created your configuration in CAVE D2D (whether it be a colormap, procedure, or something else), open the "Localization" Perspective from the CAVE menu > Perspective > Localization.
Find the file you're looking for using the file browser on the left.
Tip: Color Maps are found under the "CAVE" folder, and procedures are found under the "D2D" folder.

3. Expand the entry and right click on the USER option > Open with > Text Editor. This will open the file in the Localization Perspective:

4. Edit the file slightly so that it can be saved (note, if you don’t make a small change, the menu option for saving will not be enabled). The file will show an “*” once it’s been “changed”. Do something like add any key and then delete it, so the original content is still the same. You will see the file header change to this:

5. Save it locally by using the File > Save as > Local File… menu option:

6. Keep the original filename with the “.cmap” extension:

Import Configurations
Now you have the files saved locally. If your ever need to restore your settings or configurations from your local copies, you can do so with these simple steps:
- Open the localization perspective and go to the relevant folder (CAVE > Color Maps, for example), and right-click on that folder and select Import File…

2. Use the file dialog to select the file you saved locally, and you’ll see it appear in the Localization View again:

Now, when you go to change colormaps back in the D2D perspective in CAVE, you’ll see your local color map available again. This also saves to the current EDEX you are connected to, so if you need to clear caveData or disconnect and restart CAVE you will not need to go through this process again.
One important note though, if you are saving files from one version of AWIPS and then reimporting them to a new version of AWIPS you may override changes that have been made in the version update. It is also not guaranteed your “old” files may not work in a new or different version of AWIPS.
Thanks for joining us this week. Check back in two weeks for the next blog post, how to use a python script to automate custom data ingestion in EDEX.
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This blog was posted in reference to v20.3.2-2 of NSF Unidata AWIPS