The 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, to be held 12-16 December 2016 in San Francisco, California, will include a session titled “Advancing netCDF-CF for the Geoscience Community.”
From the session description:
The Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata convention for netCDF (netCDF-CF) is a community-developed convention for encoding geoscience data stored in the netCDF binary data format in a self-describing manner. Now an OGC standard, it can encode information that describes a coordinate system, data structure/type (e.g., station, sounding, gridded), the geophysical meaning and units of each variable, and how the data were collected. It is widely used by weather forecasters, climate scientists and remote-sensing researchers. Numerous open source and commercial software tools are able to explore and analyze netCDF-CF data sets.This session will focus on current efforts to extend the existing netCDF-CF metadata conventions to a broader range of Geoscience domains. Papers are invited on specific efforts to advance the netCDF-CF convention; the current CF community-based standards development process (including validation); integration with existing and emerging tools; and efforts to harmonize developments within the Geosciences with proposed extensions in other domains.
The converners encourage you to consider contributing to the session by submitting a short abstract for the session. Abstracts can be submitted here. The deadline to send an abstract is the 3rd of August 2016, 11:59 P.M. EDT.