The 2018 AGU Fall Meeting will be held 10-14 December 2018 in Washington, DC. This year the Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI) section will include a session that may be of special interest to Unidata community members: “IN039: Goldilocks and Geoscience Cyberinfrastructure: Challenges and Opportunities for Increasing Engagement of Geoscientists in Cyberinfrastructure Efforts, and Finding the balance between community-led efforts and top-down direction.”
From the session description:
Geoscience informatics activities that seek to create capabilities to support a research community face a number of challenges including engagement, building consensus, adoption, and operation. The usual answer to the challenges is to suggest more technology, better standards, or some other tool. There is a growing recognition that the barriers to adoption are tied more to sociological aspects and a lack of alignment. Many of the challenges relate to cultural aspects of how science is conducted, scientists' work environment and workflows, and the institutions within which scientific activities are embedded. Other challenges are technical and operational. This session will explore the geoscience community's experiences and lessons learned from cyberinfrastructure efforts. What governance structures seem to promote community consensus that can be operationalized by a program office? What other types of functions are best handled by a project office? What challenges inhibit goals of integrative activities? Are there approaches that work?
The converners encourage you to consider contributing to this community discussion by submitting a short abstract for the session. Abstracts can be submitted here. The deadline to send an abstract is 1 August 2018, 11:59 P.M. EDT.