As part of the Unidata Program Center's continuing investigations into the use of Unidata technologies in cloud computing environments, UPC developers have created a version of the Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) that runs in a Docker container and displays the IDV interface in a web browser.
The CloudIDV container can be run on any computer that has the Docker containerization software installed — currently linux, MacOSX, and Windows versions of Docker are available. If you are already running Docker on your own system, you can experiment with the CloudIDV container with the following command:
docker run -p 6080:6080 -it -d unidata/cloudidv
This will create an instance of the CloudIDV package, allowing you to interact with a fully-functional copy of the IDV by pointing your web browser to a URL that looks like
(MacOSX and Windows systems) -
(linux systems)
(Note: these examples use the default Docker IP addresses. Your system may use a different IP address.)
If you are less familiar with Docker, or are interested in reading about some of the more technical details of the CloudIDV project, browse over the the Developers@Unidata blog, where UPC developer Ward Fisher has written up a detailed explanation of what's going on with CloudIDV, including some tips about getting started with Docker.
The CloudIDV container is completely functional, but please be aware that it remains in active development. We invite people to use it and to contact us with any problems, feedback, or suggestions! You can contact the CloudIDV developer, Ward Fisher, via email at or at the project webpage at