The National Science Foundation EarthCube initiative is a community-driven project aimed at creating an integrated environment for the sharing of geoscience data and knowledge in an open, transparent, and inclusive manner. Proposals for grants supporting two types of EarthCube activities are due by March 14, 2017.
See the NSF solicitation page: EarthCube: Developing a Community-Driven Data and Knowledge Environment for the Geosciences for details.
The following excerpts from the NSF solicitation describe the two types of activities:
EarthCube Integration
Deadline: March 14, 2017
Estimated Number of Awards: 3-8
Estimated Award Size and Duration: Awards may be up to 36 months in duration. Budgets must be commensurate with the scope of the work and size of the collaboration.
This opportunity supports multidisciplinary demonstration projects to improve interoperability of critical geosciences cyberinfrastructure components, such as data facilities and other resources. This integration effort will enable resources to become part of a system of systems as described in recent EarthCube architecture documents.
EarthCube Research Coordination Networks (RCN)
Target Date: March 14, 2017. (EarthCube RCN proposals may be submitted after the Target Date with permission of an EarthCube Program Director. Permission must be given by email and indicate the agreed upon date of proposal submission.)
Estimated Number of Awards: 1-3
Estimated Award Size and Duration: A maximum of 24 months and a maximum of $300,000.
EarthCube RCNs are intended to advance geosciences cyberinfrastructure through interaction, discussion and planning between geoscientists and cyberinfrastructure experts. RCNs provide opportunities for academic geosciences communities to organize, seek input, come to consensus and prioritize data, modeling, and technology needs, as well as standards and interoperability within and across domains. The goal of 2017 EarthCube Research Coordination Networks (RCNs) is to be closely tied to the science and cyberinfrastructure needs of core geosciences programs and domains supported by GEO. To that end, potential proposers must coordinate EarthCube RCN ideas and discuss submission of any EarthCube RCN proposal with the relevant GEO program directors as well as at least one EarthCube program director.