The National Science Foundation EarthCube initiative is a community-driven project aimed at creating an integrated environment for the sharing of geoscience data and knowledge in an open, transparent, and inclusive manner. EarthCube is offering students in the United States an opportunity to apply for awards of up to $2000 to develop Python-based Jupyter notebooks leveraging EarthCube tools. Applications are due by April 1, 2021.
From the announcement:
Ten to fifteen awards of up to $2,000 that target the development of Python 3 notebooks that follow an EarthCube TAC template and leverage EarthCube projects, e.g., for research projects, for educational activities, and more broadly to illustrate tool capabilities, will be available to students interested in gaining additional skills in scholarly communication/publication of their work.
Interested students must submit an application by April 1, 2021, including an abstract which describes how the notebook will work and what EarthCube tool will be leveraged (not the notebook itself). Applicants will be notified in early April about whether their notebook will be considered as a finalist for an award. Final notebooks must be submitted by May 15, 2021, and award recipients will be notified in June, after a review process.
Additional details, including the application form and a noncomprehensive list of EarthCube tools are available on the EarthCube 2021 Annual Meeting site.