Unidata's IDV will be featured in a number of events at this year's annual American Meteorological Society meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
There is still time to register for the Short Course on "Integrating WRF and Other Model Output with Remote and In-situ Observational Datasets using Unidata's Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)". The Short Course will be held on Sunday, February 2nd; see this post for details.
Dr. Martin A. Baxter from Central Michigan University will be giving a talk entitled "The Meteorology and Impacts of Superstorm Sandy: Creation of an Educational Case Study Using IDV and RAMADDA". Dr. Baxter's talk will be on Tuesday, February 4 at 11:00am in room C109.
In addition, the IDV is featured in the following talks:
- Emily Thornton from Western Kentucky University will be giving a talk entitled "An assessment of 26 April 2011 Pre-Frontal Squall Line in Kentucky" on Tuesday at 9:30am in room C201.
- Loren White from Jackson State University will be presenting a poster entitled "Application of Mobile Observations to Investigation of Frontal Boundaries" on Wednesday, February 5 between 2:30-4:00pm in Hall C3.
As always, Unidata IDV developers will be available for one-on-one IDV demonstrations and assistance at the Unidata booth in the exhibit hall (We are at booth 228: map). For information on other talks featuring Unidata staff, see this post. We hope to see you at the conference.