The American Meteorological Society's Board on Data Stewardship will be organizing sessions on topics related to Data Stewardship at the 94th AMS Annual Meeting, which will take place 2-6 February 2014 in Atlanta, GA.
Deadline Extended — abstracts for the Data Stewardship sessions will now be accepted until is 15 August 2013.
As in previous years, the Board will be partnering with the Program Committee for the Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies (EIPT, formerly known as Interactive Information Processing Systems, IIPS) and the Annual Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI) Conference. Presentations on data stewardship topics will be a great fit with the overall theme of the 94th AMS Annual Meeting, "Extreme Weather—Climate and the Built Environment: New perspectives, opportunities, and tools."
Those interested in any aspect of data stewardship and management are encouraged to submit an abstract to the 30th Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies. Abstracts on topics such as data discovery, access, management, analysis, visualization, citation, sharing, models, standards and conventions, and archival, curation, and long-term preservation are especially encouraged.
The Board on Data Stewardship is especially interested in submissions for the following four sessions:
- Data Management and Communication Related to Advances in Observations
- Data Stewardship: Technological Approaches and Solutions to Collecting, Preserving, Communicating Weather and Climate Data
- Distributed, Community-operated Data Portals
- Recent advances in Data Management Technologies and Data Services
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 August, 2013. Further details on the abstract submission process and other information about the 30th EIPT Conference are available at the 30th Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies page on the 2014 AMS Annual Meeting web site.