Unidata is looking for graduate and undergraduate students in the geosciences to share their views on remote learning environments. The Unidata Users Committee and Unidata Program Center staff want to hear about your experiences, needs, and wishes for remote learning during a special online discussion session.
The panel discussion will be held be from 1:00 to 1:55 PM MST on November 13, 2020. We're hoping to have roughly six students representing a variety of atmospheric science and related programs share their thoughts about what works well in remote learning situations, what doesn't work, and what might be done to improve the experience. Each student will have a short opportunity (3-4 minutes) to share their experience, followed by a dialogue with the Users Committee. A synthesis of the discussion will be shared with the Unidata community to communicate lessons learned.
The panel will be moderated by Lena Heuscher, the Unidata Users Committee student representative, and Josh Young, the Unidata Community Services Manager. If you would like to participate in the panel, please contact Josh at jwyoung@ucar.edu by November 6, 2020 and note your school, program, and year of study.