Summer 2022 Unidata Interns Wrap Up Their Projects

The Unidata Program Center's three summer student interns — Hassanpreet Dhaliwal from Texas Tech University, Rhoen Fiutak from the Colorado School of Mines, and Nathaniel Martinez from the University of Chicago — have come to the end of their summer appointments. Following two years of COVID-19 travel restrictions, Hassanpreet, Rhoen, and Nathaniel were able to join us at the Unidata Program Center in Boulder. After a summer of dedicated work they presented the results of their projects to the UPC staff on July 27, 2022. You can find videos of their presentations to the UPC staff on the Unidata Seminar Series page.

Hassanpreet Dhaliwal

Hassanpreet Dhaliwal
Hassanpreet Dhaliwal

Hassanpreet Dhaliwal came to Unidata hoping to explore the data visualization and retrieval of meteorological parameters using Java and python-based applications. Working with Unidata's Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) and python development teams, she implemented new ways to visualize the planetary boundary layer (PBL) values from trajectory sounding data. In the process, she gained still in writing reusable and sustainable code for scientific exploration.

You can read Hassanpreet's take on her summer's work in Visualizing the Boundary Layer using IDV: My Unidata Internship Experience over on the Unidata Developers' blog. You can also watch the video recording of her presentation to Unidata staff over on the Seminar Series page.

Rhoen Fiutak

Rhoen Fiutak
Rhoen Fiutak

Rhoen Fiutak came to Unidata to work with the AWIPS development team and with our educational designer on a range of projects that would help students and others access educational tools that allowed them to realize their role in bringing meaning to numbers. Her summer's work saw her not only contribute to AWIPS educational resources, but gain wider experience in designing learning tools for users, from interviewing professors or working with subject matter experts to delivering a finished resource.

You can read about Rhoen's summer projects in Learn, Design, Develop: My Summer with Unidata AWIPS over on the Unidata Developers' blog. You can also watch the video recording of her presentation to Unidata staff over on the Seminar Series page.

Nathaniel Martinez

Nathaniel Martinez
Nathaniel Martinez

Nathaniel Martinez came to Unidata hoping to combine two interests — atmospheric and computer science — into one project. He accomplished this by working on expanding Metpy's radar functionality, documentation, and examples, in the process expanding his technical skill set with Python and general software development processes.

You can read Nathaniel's description of his summer's work in Expanding Declarative Syntax Capabilities in MetPy over on the Unidata Developers' blog. You can also watch the video recording of his presentation to Unidata staff over on the Seminar Series page.

Stay Tuned

The Unidata Summer Internships offer undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to work with Unidata software engineers and scientists on projects drawn from a wide variety of areas in the atmospheric and computational sciences. If you're a student thinking about internships for the summer of 2023, keep Unidata in mind. Unidata's summer internships are generally advertised in late December to early January, so be sure to check back at the end of the year. For reference, you can take a look at the Internship page.

We at the Program Center certainly enjoyed having Hassanpreet, Rhoen, and Nathaniel working beside us this summer, and we wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.


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