Unidata Staff at AGU Fall 2021 Meeting

The American Geophysical Union will be conducting a hybrid in-person and virtual conference for its 2021 Fall meeting, December 13-17 2021, with live events taking place in New Orleans, LA.

Neither Unidata nor its parent organization UCAR will have a physical presence in the physical AGU exhibit hall this year, although UCAR will have a “virtual booth” in the the official AGU online exhibit hall.

Some of the things we'll miss talking about with you in person are our summer internships and the money we give away to help educational institutions take part in the Unidata community. Check the Unidata web site for information about the 2022 Student Internship program and the 2022 Community Equipment Awards program for details.

Scientific Program

Several Unidata staff members will be presenting as part of the AGU Scientific Program; a schedule of their talks and posters is included. You can also look at the full Scientific Program online.

Unidata staff members who plan to be present in-person are marked here in Bold.
Staff members who plan to be present virtually are marked here in italics.
Staff members whose names are not otherwise emphasized are co-authors, but they may not be present at the event. Note that staff plans to travel to New Orleans are subject to change.

All times listed here are Central Standard Time (CST).

Monday, December 13, 2021
Time Session Title Location UPC Staff
14:36 - 14:39 IN14B-03 The use of the Unidata Science Gateway as a cyberinfrastructure resource to facilitate education and research during COVID-19 Convention Center - eLightning Theater III Mohan Ramamurthy (presenting), Julien Chastang
16:00 - 18:00 A15E-1687 Machine Learning Visualization via Containerization with AWIPS Convention Center - Poster Hall, D-F Rio McMahon (presenting), Shay Carter, Tiffany Meyer
16:00 - 17:15 IN15A Advancing the CF Conventions for NetCDF (eLightning session) Convention Center - eLightning Theater IV Ethan Davis (convener)
16:18 - 16:21 IN15A-07 Integrating Zarr with the NetCDF Ecosystem Convention Center - eLightning Theater IV Hailey Johnson (presenting), Dennis Heimbigner, Ward Fisher
16:21 - 16:24 IN15A-08 Comparing Read Times of Zarr, HDF5 and netCDF Data Formats Convention Center - eLightning Theater IV Isabelle Pfander (2021 summer intern) (presenting), Hailey Johnson
16:24 - 16:27 IN15A-09 Updating the NetCDF User’s Guide Convention Center - eLightning Theater IV Ethan Davis (presenting), Ward Fisher, Dennis Heimbigner, Hailey Johnson, Ryan May, Douglas Dirks
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Time Session Title Location UPC Staff
08:06 - 08:09 A21F-03 Impact of GNSS radio occultation data on the prediction of convective systems associated with a Mei-Yu front Convention Center - eLightning Theater IV Yuan Ho (co-author)
16:00 - 17:30 AGU Events Student & Early Career Scientist Conference: Careers Outside of Academia Online only Hailey Johnson
16:00 - 18:00 EP25G-1399 Quantifying the Influence of Wave Climate on Coastline Morphology at False Cape, Central Florida Atlantic Coast Convention Center - Poster Hall, D-F Hailey Johnson
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Time Session Title Location UPC Staff
16:00 - 18:00 IN35D-0418 Compression Support in NetCDF Zarr Convention Center - Poster Hall, D-F Dennis Heimbigner, Ward Fisher (presenting)
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Time Session Title Location UPC Staff
16:00 - 18:00 IN45C-0478 Machine Learning Predictive Model of Ice Supersaturated Regions (ISSRs) with Advanced 3D Visualization and Analysis Convention Center - Poster Hall, D-F Yuan Ho (presenting)
Friday, December 17, 2021
Time Session Title Location UPC Staff


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