Unidata Staff at AMS 2023 Meeting

AMS 2023 Annual Meeting

Members of the Unidata Program Center staff will be attending the 103rd annual American Meteorology Society meeting, to be held 8-12 January 2023 in Denver, CO. The schedule below lists sessions or posters presented by staff members. We'll also be spending time in the UCAR booth (#423) in the main Exhibit hall (map).

Note: AMS is monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 situation, and prioritizing the safety of presenters, attendees, exhibitors, program chairs, staff, and any volunteers who plan to attend in-person in Denver. See:

for the most current information.

Student Conference Career Resource and Graduate School Fair

The AMS student conference is intended for junior and senior undergraduates and all graduate students, and will focus on interdisciplinary topics and wide-ranging opportunities in the atmospheric and related sciences. Sessions include invited speakers from the private, academic, and government sectors. A Career Resource Fair and networking evening is scheduled to provide a forum for students to personally interact with professionals who represent potential employers and graduate institutions.

Unidata will be at table T-48 at the Career Resource Fair, which runs from 5:30 - 7:30pm Saturday, January 7 and 6:30 - 8:30pm Sunday, January 8 in Hall A. Program Center staff will be on hand to discuss our summer internship opportunities and how Unidata products can help students in their education, forecasting, and research. Come visit us!

Student Conference Python Workshop

Following up on previous successful student conference Python workshops, we're holding an in-person workshop this year. If you're participating in the Student Conference, you can join the Python workshop, which will be held from 2:00-3:45 on Sunday, January 8. Workshop registration information should be part of your student conference materials. Note that we'll need your GitHub user ID in order to provide access to the workshop resources.

UCAR Community Reception

UCAR is hosting a community gathering on Monday evening, January 9th a few blocks from the convention center. From the reception's announcement:

We hope you will join us for an evening of community as we gather with our colleagues and friends for a reception to celebrate NCAR/UCAR's programs that are developing the scientists of the future. The reception is free and includes drinks, dessert, and late-night snacks, plus some fun opportunities to get to know each other.

Date: Monday, January 9, 2023
Time: 7:45pm - 10:00pm (stop by anytime)
Location: Henry's Tavern - 500 16th St Mall, Suite 184B, Denver, CO 80202 (a short walk from the convention center and hotels - onsite parking is available as well.)

RSVPs are required. Please confirm here: UCAR Community Reception

Conference Sessions

The schedule below lists selected sessions at which Unidata staff will be presenting or attending. See the AMS meeting Conference Technical Program for additional information on the sessions.

All times are Mountain Standard Time (UTC−07:00).
In-person conference activities will be at the Colorado Convention Center.

Presenters/primary authors who are on the UPC staff are shown in bold.
Close collaborators who are not on the UPC staff are shown in italics.

Saturday, January 7, 2023
Time Session Title Location UPC Staff
17:30 - 19:30 Career Resource and Graduate School Fair Hall A, table T-48 Several
Sunday, January 8, 2023
Time Session Title Location UPC Staff
09:00 - 15:45 Short Course MetPy for your Data: Analyzing Meteorological Observations in Python Room 506 Drew Cameron, Ryan May, Kevin Goebbert, Jonathan Thielen
14:00 - 15:45 Workshop Student Conference Python Workshop Ballroom 1AB Drew Camon, Shay Carter, Julien Chastang, Nicole Corbin, Hassanpreet Dhaliwal, Ana Espinoza, Rhoen Fiutak, Hailey Johnson, Thomas Martin, Tiffany Meyer, Kevin Tyle
18:30 - 20:30 S76 Determining Planetary Boundary Layer Depth via Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) from Atmospheric Sounding Profile Data Hall A Hassanpreet Kaur Dhaliwal (2022 Intern), Drew Camron, Shay Carter, Yuan Ho
18:30 - 20:30 S135 Developing Educational Resources for Unidata Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) Data Visualization Frameworks Hall A Rhoen Fiutak (2022 Intern), Shay Carter, Nicole Corbin, Tiffany Meyer
18:30 - 20:30 Career Resource and Graduate School Fair Hall A, table T-48 Several
Monday, January 9, 2023
Time Session Title Location UPC Staff
15:45 - 16:45 4 Working with Large Datasets Using Python II 407 Ryan May (chair)
17:45 - 22:00 Reception UCAR Community Reception Henry's Tavern
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Time Session Title Location UPC Staff
11:00 - 11:15 6.2 Development and Evolution of Probabilistic Hazard Information for Severe Hazards 711 Tiffany Meyer
13:45 - 14:00 6.2 MetPy in 2022: Continuing to Build an Open Source Project and its Community 407 Ryan May, Drew Camron, Kevin Goebbert, Jonathan Thielen
14:00 - 14:15 7.2 Project Pythia: A Community Update on Open and Sustainable Geoscientific Python Education 407 Drew Camron, Nicole Corbin, Ryan May
14:45 - 15:00 7.5 ARMing the Open Science Community with Radar Cookbooks: from the Colorado Rockies to the Gulf Coast and Beyond 407 Drew Camron
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Time Session Title Location UPC Staff
08:30 - 10:00 9A Community Driven: Unidata Projects Enhancing Geoscience Teaching and Research 302 Multiple
08:30 - 08:45 9A.1 Unidata: Transforming Earth System Sciences through Innovative Data Services 302 Mohan Ramamurthy
08:45 - 09:00 9A.2 Unidata Science Gateway: Past, Present, and Future Plans 302 Julien Chastang, Ana Espinoza, Mohan Ramamurthy
09:00 - 09:15 9A.3 Unidata AWIPS Hosted in the Cloud 302 Tiffany Meyer, Shay Carter, Nicole Corbin
09:15 - 09:30 9A.4 Reimagining the THREDDS Data Server with a Modern, Microservice-based Architecture 302 Tara Drwenski, Hailey Johnson, Megan Lerman
09:15 - 09:30 9.3 Machine Learning Opportunities and Challenges from the NCAR Analytics and Integrative Machine Learning Group 104/106 Thomas Martin
09:30 - 09:45 9A.5 A Network System for Environmental Monitoring, Data Sovereignty and Data Governance on Tribal Lands 302 Jeff Weber, Dennis Dye, Peter Romine
09:45 - 10:00 9A.6 Teaching Atmospheric Science Using Open Source Tools and Data 302 Kevin Goebbert, Ryan May, Drew Camron
11:45 - 12:00 10A.5 Advances In Urban Flash Flood Model Forecasting System 302 Yuan Ho
17:00 - 18:30 10A.5 Radar and Radiometer Observations of the 2020 NY State Derecho Hall A Jeff Weber
Thursday, January 12, 2023
Time Session Title Location UPC Staff
16:00 - 16:15 16.2 High-Accuracy, High-Temporal Resolution Observation plus Model (OpM) Profiling and Forecasting 705/707 Jeff Weber

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