Unidata Update: August 2018

In case you missed it — here's a recap of news from the Unidata Program Center for the month of August, 2018.

Propose a Session for EGU2019 ESSI Division

EGU 2019

The conveners of the European Geosciences Union Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI) Division sub-program ESSI 4: Visualization for scientific discovery and communication are soliciting suitable session proposals for the EGU General Assembly 2019. The closing date for session proposals is 6 September 2018.

Register Now for the 2018 Software Training Workshops

Training Workshops

Registration is open for Unidata's 2018 Software Training Workshop. The workshop features courses on Unidata's display and analysis packages MetPy, IDV, and AWIPS, as well as courses on data access and management tools including the Local Data Manager (LDM) and the THREDDS Data Server (TDS), and netCDF. The workshop will be held October 15 – 30, 2018. Individual courses last from one to three days.

Python-Focused Software Training Workshop at Jackson State University

Jackson State University

Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi will be hosting a Unidata Regional Software Training Workshop August 30-31, 2018. Unidata software developers will be leading the Python-focused workshop, which will cover the use of the MetPy and Siphon packages in the context of atmospheric science.

Summer 2018 Unidata Interns Wrap Up Their Projects

Summer Interns

The Unidata Program Center's two summer student interns — Hailey Johnson from the University of Florida and Jon Thielen from Iowa State University — have come to the end of their summer appointments. After a summer of dedicated work they presented the results of their projects to the UPC staff on August 3, 2018. You can find videos of their presentations to the UPC staff on the Unidata Seminar Series page.

NetCDF Licensing Remains Unchanged: Libraries are Open-Source and Freely-Available

netCDF / HDF

In May 2018, The HDF Group announced a new support strategy for the HDF5 libraries that are included in netCDF4. Unidata and the netCDF team have been in close contact with The HDF Group since their announcement, and we reiterate our commitment to providing netCDF libraries that do not require any paid software licenses in order to create or read files that conform to the netCDF standard.

ESIP: Community Fellowships


ESIP Community Fellows are graduate students interested in bridging the gap between informatics and Earth Science. This fellowship provides students a chance to work closely with professionals in an interdisciplinary, cross-sector group (ESIP collaboration area) on current Earth Science problems. Community fellows become engaged in ESIP collaboration areas as rapporteurs, documenting group activities on monthly telecons and at ESIP’s semi-annual meetings (Summer/Winter). Applications are due October 5, 2018.

Siphon 0.8.0 Released


Siphon 0.8.0 has been released with a variety of new features, including a client for downloading National Data Buoy Center text data and support for basic HTTP authentication.

Unidata is looking for a Software Developer


Unidata is looking for a software developer to help us help our community of scientists access the Earth system science data that fuels their research. You'll have a chance work with a great team at the Unidata Program Center and and enthusiastic open source community to test, maintain, and develop a variety of Unidata software projects

On the Developer's Blog

Unidata Program Center developers write regularly on technical topics on the Unidata Developer's Blog. This month you'll find accounts from our summer interns, giving some additional technical details about their projects. MetPy Mondays posts continue to appear each week — check out this month's posts for some Xarray basics and examples of retrieving and plotting data from the National Data Buoy Center.

Governing Committee News

Unidata's Users Committee met 4-5 April 2018, in Boulder, Colorado. The meeting summary will be available shortly. The meeting summary is available here. The next meeting is scheduled for 10-11 September 2018 in Boulder, CO.

Unidata's Strategic Advisory Committee met 29-30 March 2018 at the National Science Foundation in Washington, DC. The meeting summary will be available shortly. The meeting summary is available here. The next meeting will be held 19-20 September 2018 in Boulder, CO.


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