In case you missed it — here's a recap of news from the Unidata Program Center for the month of December, 2020.
Well, 2020 was quite a year, wasn't it? Here's hoping things improve in 2021! Happy New Year, and we're hoping to see you at the virtual AMS meeting starting January 10th.
UCAR continues to follow physical distancing guidelines, and Unidata Program Center staff are continuing to work from home at this time. We're all still available by e-mail and other electronic means to help with your data and software needs. Please don't hesitate to write to us if there is something we can do to help keep your science up and running.
Upcoming deadlines to be aware of:
Highlights from last month:
NetCDF operators (NCO) version 4.9.6

Version 4.9.6 of the netCDF Operators (NCO) has been released. NCO is an Open Source package that consists of a dozen standalone, command-line programs that take netCDF files as input, then operate (e.g., derive new data, average, print, hyperslab, manipulate metadata) and output the results to screen or files in text, binary, or netCDF formats.
Call for Proposals: Unidata 2021 Community Equipment Awards

The Unidata Program Center is pleased to announce the opening of the 2021 Unidata Community Equipment Awards solicitation. Created under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation, Unidata equipment awards are intended to encourage new members from diverse disciplinary backgrounds in the geosciences to join the Unidata community, and to encourage existing members to continue their active participation, enhancing the community process. For 2021, a total of $100,000 is available for awards; proposals for amounts up to $20,000 will be considered.
Unidata Staff at AGU Fall 2020 Meeting

Well, we all know 2020 has been an odd year, and of course that extends to Unidata's participation in the American Geophysical Union 2020 Fall meeting, December 7-11 2020, in cyberspace.
Unidata Summer Student Internships Available!

The Unidata Summer Internship offers undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to work with Unidata software engineers and scientists on projects drawn from a wide variety of areas in the atmospheric and computational sciences. Unidata's mission is to support the Earth Science research and education community with data and tools for data access, analysis, and visualization. As a Unidata intern, you'll pursue the goal of adding innovative enhancements to data access, analysis, and visualization tools developed within Unidata.
Offer: Unidata Science Gateway JupyterHub Resources Available for Spring 2021 Courses

For the spring 2021 term, Unidata is once again offering to provide universities (or individual instructors) access to cloud-based JupyterHub servers tailored to the needs of university atmospheric science courses and workshops.
netCDF-Java library version 5.4.1 Released

The Unidata THREDDS Development Team released version 5.4.1 of the netCDF-Java/Common Data Model (CDM) library on December 17th, 2020. The 5.4.1 release includes the first look at the public API, support for building with Java 11 - 14, and support for accessing data from object storage, such as AWS S3.
NetCDF operators (NCO) version 4.9.7

Version 4.9.7 of the netCDF Operators (NCO) has been released. NCO is an Open Source package that consists of a dozen standalone, command-line programs that take netCDF files as input, then operate (e.g., derive new data, average, print, hyperslab, manipulate metadata) and output the results to screen or files in text, binary, or netCDF formats.
Unidata Staff at AMS 2021 Meeting

Members of the Unidata Program Center staff will be attending the 101st annual American Meteorology Society meeting, to be held virtually 9-15 January 2021. Read more for a schedule listings sessions or posters presented by staff members. The schedule also lists times when we'll be available to chat in our AMS Virtual Booth.
AMS Student Conference Python Workshop

Students! Are you looking to make the transition to Python but unsure of where to start? Do you already know Python but want to see atmospheric science specific applications? Are you looking for data? If so, then please join us for a hands-on AMS Student Conference Python Workshop where beginners and experts alike will learn skills that enhance their ability to find, analyze, and explore data.
On the Developer's Blog
Unidata Program Center developers write regularly on technical topics on the Unidata Developer's Blog. Last month, the ongoing MetPy Mondays series talked about using REST APIs and provided an overview of MetPy version 1.0.
Governing Committee News
Unidata's Users Committee met in virtual meetings September 10-11 and November 13, 2020.
Unidata's Strategic Advisory Committee met in virtual meetings August 6-7 and October 26-27, 2020.