In case you missed it — here's a recap of news from the Unidata Program Center for the month of May, 2017.
Unidata Committee Nominations Open

The Unidata Program Center is seeking new people to serve on Unidata's Strategic Advisory and Users Committees. This is your chance to make a difference on behalf of the Unidata community. As William Gallus, the current Chair of the Unidata Strategic Advisory Committee notes, “Serving as a member of these committees puts you in the driver's seat to help shape the future of Unidata and thus the future of real time weather data delivery and the means to work with it.”�
Nominations are being accepted through 1 June 2017.
IDV 5.4 released

The Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) version 5.4 is available now.
This is a major release and is recommended for all users.
Unidata is looking for a Software Developer

Unidata is looking for a software developer to help us help our community of scientists bridge the gaps between data servers, desktop scientific visualization packages like the Integrated Data Viewer, and “notebook”-style workflows (think Jupyter notebooks). We'll be integrating existing tools with new technologies to help scientists streamline the process of finding and analyzing data. At the Unidata Program Center, you'll have a chance to work with a great team in-house and an enthusiastic open source community.
GOES-R Series Virtual Course

The COMET program invites you to attend the GOES-R Series Faculty Virtual Course, a series of seven interactive webinars that provide an introduction to the new capabilities offered by the latest-generation GOES-R weather satellite. Registration is free for university faculty.
NetCDF operators (NCO) version 4.6.7

Version 4.6.7 of the netCDF Operators (NCO) has been released. NCO is an Open Source package that consists of a dozen standalone, command-line programs that take netCDF files as input, then operate (e.g., derive new data, average, print, hyperslab, manipulate metadata) and output the results to screen or files in text, binary, or netCDF formats.
On the Developer's Blog
Unidata Program Center developers write regularly on technical topics on the Unidata Developer's Blog. Most recently, developer Dennis Heimbigner writes about propsed THREDDS architecture changes to support OSGI or JigSaw.
Governing Committee News
Unidata's Users Committee met 19-20 April 2017, in Boulder, Colorado. The meeting summary will be available shortly. The next meeting is scheduled for 16-17 October 2017 in Boulder, CO.
Unidata's Strategic Advisory Committee met 13-14 April 2017 in Madison, Wisconsin. The meeting summary will be available shortly. The next meeting will be held 17-18 October 2017 in Boulder, CO.