The Unidata Program Center is pleased to welcome a new member to the Unidata Users Committee. Committee members serve three-year terms, meeting twice each year to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the Unidata Program and advise staff on issues facing the university community. Appointments reflect the range of large and small colleges and universities with undergraduate and graduate emphases where Unidata systems are in use.
Note: new committee members have traditionally begun their terms in the fall, and the committees will be welcoming additional new members later in 2021. A variety of factors, including an existing empty committee position and the new member's immediate availability, allow the Users Committee to appoint a new member at this time. You can find additional information about the governing committees, including contact information for committee members, on the Governing Committees page.
Tim Foster, Users Committee
![Tim Foster](/blog_content/images/2021/20210326_bio_foster.png)
Mr. Tim Foster is a member of the Computer and Information Sciences faculty and Technology and Social Programs Area Chair at Tohono O'Odham Community College in Sells, AZ. He was elected Faculty Senate Vice President in 2018, and has provided Instructional Design services to the University of Arizona UAOnline. Prior to moving to Arizona, Foster was Chief Technology Officer at Lincoln College in Illinois. He has a Master of Arts degree in Applied Sociology from Northern Arizona University.
Foster joins the Unidata Users Committee with the aim of working to improve the conditions on the Tohono O'odham Nation and providing the people with new skills to meet the digital world. “I am very involved with building the infrastructure of the college and community,” he says. “ I am always looking forward to new opportunities for my college and students.”