In case you missed it — here's a wrap-up of news from the Unidata Program Center for the month of July, 2012.
Weather Underground Joins The Weather Channel

The Unidata Program Center received a message from Dr. Perry Samson of the University of Michigan. Dr. Samson is a co-founder of The Weather Underground, and has long been affiliated with the Unidata community. He wrote to inform the Unidata community of the sale of The Weather Underground to The Weather Channel.
Unidata Bids Goodbye to the Anthes Building

The Unidata Program Center has spiffy new lodgings. Again!
After nearly a year of renovation and refurbishment, UCAR's
Foothills Laboratory 4 is ready for occupancy. The Unidata
Program Center moved back to its (newly remodelled)
space in the FL-4 building July 5-6, 2012.
NetCDF 4.2.1 Release

The Unidata netCDF group is pleased to announce the 4.2.1 release of the netCDF C libraries. This release contains two important new features as well as performance enhancements, bug fixes, and documentation improvements. It is designed to be compatible with existing netCDF data and software.
Visitor Appointments at the Developmental Testbed Center

The Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) in Boulder, Colorado is offering visitor appointments for up to a year, beginning on a mutually agreed upon start date. Proposals must be received by August 20, 2012, with notification to submitters of successful proposals in November 2012.
Reminder: Data Stewardship Sessions at the 93rd AMS Annual Meeting

Abstracts are due 1 August 2012.
The American Meteorological Society's Board on Data
Stewardship will be organizing sessions on topics related to
Data Stewardship at the 93rd AMS Annual Meeting, which will
take place 6-10 January 2013 in Austin, TX.
2012 Users Workshop Brings Unidata Community Together

The 2012 Unidata Users Workshop took place July 9-13 at NCAR's Mesa Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado. The workshop's theme -- Navigating Earth System Science Data -- encompassed topics that drew speakers and participants from across the atmospheric and other geosciences communities.
McIDAS-X Addendum v2009k / v2012.1

McIDAS-X Addendum v2009k aka v2012.1 has been released to
make changes to the Unidata McIDAS-X/-XCD 2009 distribution.
This cumulative set of bugfixes and enhancements in Unidata
McIDAS-X v2009k includes all SSEC v2012.1 and previous
updates, and is available to registered users in a
gzip-compressed tar file.