In case you missed it — here's a wrap-up of news from the Unidata Program Center for the month of October, 2012.
LDM 6.11.1 Released

Version 6.11.1 of the LDM package has been released.
This version improves the quality and reduces the quantity of messages logged by the new upstream LDM database feature introduced in LDM 6.11.0 and fixes an obscure bug in the pqing(1) utility.
Unidata at the National Weather Association Meeting

Several members of the Unidata Program Center staff attended the 37th annual National Weather Association meeting in Madison, Wisconsin, October 6-11, 2012. Staff members were available to talk with conference attendees about Unidata software products and data services. There were demonstrations of Unidata's Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) and a preview of the National Weather Service's next-generation AWIPS II package.
Rutgers University Makes Real-Time Marine Data Accessible

The Coastal Ocean Observation Lab at Rutgers University (RU-COOL) is using Unidata and other open source technologies to collect, process, and make available a wide range of ocean data for use by students and researchers. Their collection of real-time and historical oceanographic datasets will aid in understanding the physical and biological ocean processes impacting the Mid-Atlantic region, leading to improvements in maritime safety and ecosystem-based management strategies.
American Meteorological Society 2013 Career Fair

The American Meteorological Society's 93rd annual meeting will be held January 6-10, 2012 in Austin, Texas. As in previous years, the Society will sponsor a Career Fair at the beginning of the meeting, and Unidata Program Center staff will be on hand to talk with students.
NetCDF operators (NCO) version 4.2.2

Version 4.2.2 of the netCDF Operators (NCO) has been released. NCO is an Open Source package that consists of a dozen standalone, command-line programs that take netCDF files as input, then operate (e.g., derive new data, average, print, hyperslab, manipulate metadata) and output the results to screen or files in text, binary, or netCDF formats.
Farewell to Robb Kambic

The Unidata Program Center wishes a fond farewell to Robb Kambic, who is forsaking the snow and Chinook winds of Colorado's front range for the mosquitos and hurricane force winds of central Florida.