In case you missed it — here's a wrap-up of news from the Unidata Program Center for the month of October, 2013.
AGU's Thriving Earth Exchange presents opportunities to the Unidata community

The American Geophysical Union is developing the Thriving Earth Exchange to connect communities, scientists, and funders (or Seekers, Solvers, and Sponsors in the language of the Exchange) and bring Earth and Space science to bear on local challenges.
Most Data Still Flowed Despite US Government Shutdown

The majority of data streams made available via the Internet Data Distribution (IDD) system remained available to Unidata community members despite the closing of US government facilities. As a UCAR facilitiy, the Unidata Program Center itself was not directly affected by the shutdown, although if the budget impasse had continues for more than a few weeks there could have been reductions in staff time.
Larry Oolman Receives 2013 DeSouza Award

Larry Oolman of the University of Wyoming's Department of Atmospheric Science has been awarded the 2013 Russell L. DeSouza Award by the Unidata Users committee. The DeSouza Award honors "individuals whose energy, expertise, and active involvement enable the Unidata Program to better serve the geosciences."
AWIPS II Mailing List for the Unidata Community

Unidata is now hosting a mailing list for current and prospective AWIPS II users. Topics include installation and configuration of AWIPS II components, IDD / LDM data flow, CAVE use and GEMPAK integration. Though the Unidata AWIPS II Beta Test program is restricted only to universities, the mailing list is open to everyone.
NetCDF-Java library and TDS version 4.3.19

The NetCDF-Java/Common Data Model (CDM) library and THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 4.3.19 were released on October 8, 2013. The development team recommends this upgrade for anyone using the CDM or TDS.
New IDV Tutorial Videos Available

New IDV tutorials are available on Unidata's YouTube channel. The most recent tutorials address the topics of:
- navigating within the three-dimensional IDV display,
- saving and restoring work using the IDV bundle mechanism,
- and working with three-dimensional parcel trajectory displays.
NetCDF operators (NCO) version 4.3.7

Version 4.3.7 of the netCDF Operators (NCO) has been released. NCO is an Open Source package that consists of a dozen standalone, command-line programs that take netCDF files as input, then operate (e.g., derive new data, average, print, hyperslab, manipulate metadata) and output the results to screen or files in text, binary, or netCDF formats.
American Meteorological Society 2014 Career Fair

The 94th AMS Annual Meeting will be held 2-6 February 2014 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia. As in previous years, the Society will sponsor a Career Fair at the beginning of the meeting.
Unidata is looking for a Systems Administrator

The Unidata Program Center is hiring! We are looking for a system administrator to join our team in creating and maintaining software and data services to support the geosciences.
New on the Developer's Blog
Unidata Program Center developers write regularly on technical topics on the Unidata Developer's Blog. Recent articles touch on using GEMPAK to create a region of interest mask, dimension scales in netCDF 4, and accessing netCDF data via coordinate systems.
Governing Committee News
Unidata's Users Committee met October 3-4, 2013. The meeting summary is available here.
Unidata's Policy Committee met October 10-11, 2013. The meeting summary is available here.