In case you missed it — here's a wrap-up of news from the Unidata Program Center for the month of September, 2012.
POES Data Captured at University of Hawaii

The University of Hawaii has installed a new X/L band antenna and satellite downlink that follows satellites that are part of the Polar Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) system. The university installation is intended to capture real time data useful for weather and ocean forecasts as the satellites pass over Hawaii. The project is a collaboration between UH Manoa, the National Weather Service (NWS) Honolulu Forecast Office (HFO), NWS Pacific Region Headquarters, the University of Wisconsin, and Honolulu Community College, where the antenna is installed.
2012 Software Training Workshops: Registration Extended

The 2012 Unidata Software Training Workshops will be held October 22 — November 7 at the Unidata Program Center in Boulder, Colorado. Last day to register is October 1st!
LDM 6.11.0 Released

Version 6.11.0 of the Local Data Manager (LDM) software is now available.
Overview of New Features in IDV 3.1

IDV 3.1 was released recently. Some of the major new features in this release include simplified capture of multi-view images and movies, enhanced labeling of latitude and longitude lines in map displays, and a new Time Matching feature that allows you to create a seamless animation of multiple displays whose data were collected at different time steps. Read further for additional details on these new features.
OGC adopts netCDF Enhanced Data Model Extension Standard

The Open Geospatial Consortium membership has approved the Enhanced Data Model Extension to the OGC Network Common Data Form (netCDF) Core Encoding Standard.
GEMPAK 6.7.0 Released

Version 6.7.0 of the GEMPAK software is now available.
September 2012 Joint Committee Meeting

Members of Unidata's two governing committees gathered in Boulder in September 2012 for a joint meeting to share information and ideas between the committees and with Unidata Program Center staff.
RAMADDA 1.4 Released

Version 1.4 of the Open Source RAMADDA scientific content management system is now available.