Applications are invited for the position of the Williams Chair in Meteorology at the School of Meteorology of the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences at the University of Oklahoma.
From the position announcement:
Weather, water, climate, and radar engineering are the University of Oklahoma's highest priority for strategic investment. In addition to more than $100 million in new facilities added during the past several years, the University was recently selected as home to the Department of the Interior's South Central Regional Climate Science Center. Building on a substantial focus on weather and radar engineering, new faculty have been recently added with expertise in the global carbon cycle/biogeochemistry, polar meteorology, passive remote sensing and land-surface processes. In addition, a major program of study has been initiated in the social, human, behavioral, and economic aspects of weather and climate in collaboration with the University's Center for Applied Social Research. It is within this rapidly expanding, vibrant framework of intellectual activity that applications are invited for the Williams Chair in Meteorology at the School of Meteorology of the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences (CAGS). This endowed chair was established at the University of Oklahoma (OU) through a generous gift from Williams Energy Marketing and Trading, a division of Williams Energy Services. The applicant filling this position will be awarded tenure and the rank of Professor. Salary will be commensurate with expertise. The salary and starting date are negotiable.
The holder of the Williams Chair is expected to play a leadership role in fostering the development of research at the weather-climate interface at OU that involves relevant academic programs, existing centers of research excellence at OU and collaborations between academic, government, and industry colleagues. Research expertise is particularly desired for advancing knowledge of phenomena and physical processes relevant to improving predictions on time-scales ranging from the deterministic limits of medium range weather prediction to inter-annual variations in climate on regional to global scales. The successful applicant must be an internationally recognized scientist with a doctoral degree and an outstanding record of professional achievement and is expected to carry out a vigorous program of teaching, research, and service that attracts exceptional students and prepares them to become future leaders in the atmospheric sciences. The ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of leaders within the region, the Nation and abroad is also desirable. In addition, a parallel search is underway within the School of Meteorology for a new early career faculty member with similar research expertise so that it may be possible to coordinate the hiring between these two positions. The University will also be searching for a new Endowed Chair in global hydrology.
The School of Meteorology is an academic unit of the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences with 25 faculty and over 100 graduate students. The School is located in the National Weather Center at the University of Oklahoma. One of the largest facilities of its kind in the world, the Center (www.nwc.ou.edu) houses the University's academic and research programs in meteorology, state organizations, and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Norman-based weather research and operational programs. The Center is part of OU's Research Campus, which co-locates and strategically builds synergy among private sector, government, and academic organizations. One million square feet among nine buildings have been developed on the Research Campus in less than a decade, housing more than 1700 people including thirteen companies — many focused on weather and water resources — with more than 450 employees. Additional buildings are now underway, including a Radar Innovations Laboratory as well as planning for a Water Research Innovation Center. To apply, please submit a letter of interest including a statement of research goals and teaching vision, current curriculum vitae, and the names of four or more people who can serve as references (with full mailing and e-mail addresses, telephone, and fax numbers) as soon as possible. Screening of applications will begin on 28 February 2013 and will continue until the position has been filled.
Please address all correspondence to:
Dean Berrien Moore
Vice President for Weather and Climate
College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences, Search Committee Chairperson
University of Oklahoma, 120 David L. Boren Blvd.
Norman, OK 73072
Phone: 405-325-6561
Fax: 405-325-7689
E-mail: Berrien@ou.edu