The Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) version 4.0 is available now. This is a major release and is recommended for all users.
[Read More]07 March 2013
The Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) version 4.0 is available now. This is a major release and is recommended for all users.
[Read More]GEOpod Short Course at AMS 2013 Meeting
07 December 2012
The Geosciences Probe of Discovery (GEOpod) is an intuitive, interactive application that allows users to navigate through and explore an immersive 3-D environment created from authentic geoscience data. GEOpod is built on top of Unidata's Integrated Data Viewer (IDV), leveraging its sophisticated features to import and display geoscience data in a teaching environment.
UPDATE: The GEOpod short course will not be held at the Austin AMS meering. The organizers hope to present the course in a different venue in the near future.
GEOpod was created by professors and students from the departments of Computer Science and Earth Sciences at Millersville University. They, along with Unidata Program Center IDV developer Yuan Ho, will be teaching a Short Course — Interactive Immersion Learning: Flying through data onboard the GEOpod — at the upcoming American Meteorological Society annual meeting in Austin, Texas.
[Read More]30 November 2012
The Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) version 3.1u1 is available now. This version is recommended for all users. The latest updated can be downloaded at
New features since the 3.0u2 release include:
Visual Data Analysis Workshop at AGU 2012 Fall Meeting
15 November 2012
Unidata Program Center developer Yuan Ho, along with John Clyne of NCAR's Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL), will once again be presenting a data analysis workshop at the American Geophysical Union's Fall meeting in San Francisco. The workshop will provide an overview of several of the open source software packages that are most relevant to researchers and educators in the geosciences, including Unidata's Integrated Data Viewer (IDV), NCAR's Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers (VAPOR), the Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) from the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, and NCAR's NCAR Command Language (NCL).
[Read More]Overview of New Features in IDV 3.1
24 September 2012
IDV 3.1 was released recently. Some of the major new features in this release include simplified capture of multi-view images and movies, enhanced labeling of latitude and longitude lines in map displays, and a new Time Matching feature that allows you to create a seamless animation of multiple displays whose data were collected at different time steps. Read further for additional details on these new features.
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