Showing entries tagged [internship]

Welcome SOARS Intern Briah' Davis

Briah\' Davis

Briah' Davis joined the Unidata Program Center as a SOARS summer intern on May 30, 2017. This fall Briah' will be a senior at the University at Albany, SUNY, where she is majoring in Atmospheric Science and Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics.

SOARS, Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science, is an undergraduate-to-graduate bridge program at UCAR designed to broaden participation in the atmospheric and related sciences. The program is built around research, mentoring and community. SOARS participants, called protégés, spend up to four summers doing research in atmospheric and related sciences. This is Briah's second summer in the program and her first at Unidata.

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Welcome Communications Intern Aubrey Kane

Aubrey Kane

Aubrey Kane joined the Unidata Program Center as a communications summer intern on May 30, 2017. Aubrey is a senior at Regis University, majoring in mathematics with a minor concentration in communication. She plans to begin applying to graduate programs in statistics in the fall.

The Unidata Summer Internships offer undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to work with Unidata software engineers and scientists on projects drawn from a wide variety of areas in the atmospheric and computational sciences.

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Welcome Summer Intern Tyler Wixtrom

Tyler Wixtrom

Tyler Wixtrom joined the Unidata Program Center as a software development summer intern on May 30, 2017. Tyler has just graduated from Valparaiso University with a Bachelor of Science in Meteorology and will be starting work toward a Master's degree in Atmospheric Sciences at Texas Tech University in the fall. His main interests are in Numerical Weather Prediction and the transition of research to operational applications, as well as in the development of software tools in support of forecasters and researchers. Tyler will be working in development of the MetPy package, with the goal of adding user-friendly functionality for vertical interpolation to various coordinate systems, such as isentropic or isobaric coordinates.

The Unidata Summer Internships offer undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to work with Unidata software engineers and scientists on projects drawn from a wide variety of areas in the atmospheric and computational sciences.

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Unidata Communications Internship Available

Boulder, Colorado
Spend some time in beautiful Boulder, Colorado

Are you looking for a way to use both your writing and technical skills? Do you enjoy talking with people doing interesting science, and then explaining what they're doing to others? Keep reading...

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Unidata Summer Student Internship Available!

Boulder, Colorado
Spend the summer in beautiful Boulder, Colorado

Do you use Unidata software packages? Do you love to write code? The Unidata Summer Internship program is looking for you!

The Unidata Summer Internship offers undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to work with Unidata software engineers and scientists on projects drawn from a wide variety of areas in the atmospheric and computational sciences. Unidata's mission is to support the Earth Science research and education community with data and tools for data access, analysis, and visualization. As a Unidata intern, you'll pursue the goal of adding innovative enhancements to data access, analysis, and visualization tools developed within Unidata.

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News and information from the Unidata Program Center
News and information from the Unidata Program Center



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