Showing entries tagged [meeting]

Abstract Deadlines for AMS, AGU Meetings

AMS 2020 Annual Meeting

The 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting in will be held 12–16 January 2020 in Boston, MA. The submission deadline for abstracts is 1 August 2019.

See the Call for Papers for details.

AGU 2019 Fall Meeting

The American Geophysical Union continues to celebrate its centennial as well. The 2019 Fall Meeting in will be held 9-13 December 2019 in San Francisco, CA. The submission deadline for abstracts is 31 July 2019.

See the Fall Meeting website for details.

Unidata Staff at AMS 2019 Meeting


Members of the Unidata Program Center staff will be attending the 99th annual American Meteorology Society meeting, 6-10 January 2019 at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Unidata will be in Booth 416 in the exhibit hall; feel free to stop by to talk with us. The booth will feature live, hands-on demonstrations of Unidata software and services, including a look at the current state of the AWIPS, IDV, MetPy, and THREDDS Data Server packages. Come and talk with the developers about what's coming up and what you'd like to see.

Read on for a schedule that lists selected sessions at which Unidata staff (and summer interns) will be presenting or attending. Unidata will also be at table C-8 at the Student Conference Career Fair, on Saturday and Sunday evenings.

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EIPT Abstract Deadline for the 99th AMS Annual Meeting


UPDATE: The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 8 August 2018.

The American Meteorological Society's Board on Environmental Information Processing Technologies (EIPT) wants to let you know that the submission deadline for EIPT papers and posters is 8 August 2018. The conference is soliciting papers and posters a variety of topics including:

  • AWIPS system updates
  • Application of autonomous observing platforms
  • Cloud computing for environmental data processing
  • Crowdsourcing tools for gathering and distributing data
  • Data stewardship
  • and more...
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Software Demonstrations at the Unidata AMS Booth

AMS ams_2018

If you'll be attending the 98th annual American Meteorology Society meeting, 7-11 January 2018 in Austin, be sure stop by Unidata's booth in the exhibit hall (Booth 520). Software developers and other staff from the Unidata Program Center will be on hand to chat any time the exhibit hall is open. If you're especially interested in seeing a live demonstration of a particular Unidata software package, check the following schedule and time your visit accordingly.

In addition, Unidata staff are presenting talks and posters throughout the conference. If you haven't already, check out the Unidata Staff Conference Schedule.

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Unidata Staff at AMS 2018 Meeting

AMS ams_2018

Members of the Unidata Program Center staff will be attending the 98th annual American Meteorology Society meeting, 7-11 January 2018 at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas. Unidata will be in Booth 520 in the exhibit hall; feel free to stop by to talk with us. The booth will feature live, hands-on demonstrations of Unidata software and services, including a look at the current state of the AWIPS, IDV, MetPy, and THREDDS Data Server packages. Come and talk with the developers about what's coming up and what you'd like to see.

Read on for a schedule that lists selected sessions at which Unidata staff (and summer interns) will be presenting or attending. See the AMS meeting Conference Program for additional information on the sessions.

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