Version 4.5.3 of the netCDF-Fortran library is now available.
[Read More]04 June 2020
02 April 2020
Version 4.7.4 of the netCDF-C library was made available March 27, 2020. This release includes a number of enhancements.
[Read More]NetCDF operators (NCO) version 4.9.2
20 February 2020
Version 4.9.2 of the netCDF Operators (NCO) has been released. NCO is an Open Source package that consists of a dozen standalone, command-line programs that take netCDF files as input, then operate (e.g., derive new data, average, print, hyperslab, manipulate metadata) and output the results to screen or files in text, binary, or netCDF formats.
The NCO project is coordinated by Professor Charlie Zender of the Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine. More information about the project, along with binary and source downloads, are available on the SourceForge project page .
[Read More]NetCDF operators (NCO) version 4.9.1
30 December 2019
Version 4.9.1 of the netCDF Operators (NCO) has been released. NCO is an Open Source package that consists of a dozen standalone, command-line programs that take netCDF files as input, then operate (e.g., derive new data, average, print, hyperslab, manipulate metadata) and output the results to screen or files in text, binary, or netCDF formats.
The NCO project is coordinated by Professor Charlie Zender of the Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine. More information about the project, along with binary and source downloads, are available on the SourceForge project page .
[Read More]NetCDF operators (NCO) version 4.9.0
05 December 2019
Version 4.9.0 of the netCDF Operators (NCO) has been released. NCO is an Open Source package that consists of a dozen standalone, command-line programs that take netCDF files as input, then operate (e.g., derive new data, average, print, hyperslab, manipulate metadata) and output the results to screen or files in text, binary, or netCDF formats.
[Read More]