Version 1.0 of MetPy is now available. MetPy is a collection of tools in Python for
reading, visualizing, and performing calculations with weather data. The project aims to
mesh well with the rest of the scientific Python ecosystem, including the Numpy,
Scipy, and Matplotlib projects, adding functionality specific to meteorology.
While MetPy has been around as an Open Source project since 2008, development
resources have been limited, and version 1.0 is the first stable
release. The word “stable” here does not imply that previous 0.x
releases were not robust — MetPy has been in wide use for quite some time now
— but rather that the development team has reached a stage where they are
confident in promising to keep the software API stable until the next
major release. This promise of API stability should give MetPy users confidence
that the code they write using MetPy will continue to work unaltered for a
significant period of time.
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