[awips2-users] Load gridded data as image results a single color, or noimage at all.

Dear List Members,

I wonder if anybody else had this problem.

In the Linux version of CAVE D2D perspective when I try to load gridded
data (ex. GFS40 Temperature 500hPa
as an image (versus. contour) the colorbar appears but nothing else.
Occasionally a single color
marking the grid area.

The versions I have tried is 14.4.1 and the latest developmental version.

Linux flavor is Cent OS 6.7 64 bit run as a Virtual Machine with VMWare
Fusion 6.0.6 on
an iMac with 3.5 GHz Intel Core 7 24GB memory, OS X 10.9.5. Graphics card
is GForce GTX 80M 4GB

I put in a ticket (ticket number is QBS679727), and eagerly waiting for the

Until then any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Gyorgyi Gyarmati
Assistant Research Scientist
Atmospheric Sciences Department
Texas A&M University
Email: gygy@xxxxxxxx
Phone: 979-845-1482
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