Hello Gyorgyi,
I wrote to you on Jan 26 through the awips support account addressing your
ticket, my reply is copied here. I'm curious to see if the caveData log
files have any relevant error messages:
1) shut down CAVE and start a new instance
2) try to load a grid as image again
3) when it failts, cd to ~/caveData/logs/consolelogs/<hostname>/
4) send me the most recent log file, which should be something like
"cave_20160129_HHMMSS_pid_####_console.log" (you can see the most recent
file in the directory with the command "ls -altr")
Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO
On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 1:30 PM, Gyorgyi Gyarmati <gygy@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear List Members,
> I wonder if anybody else had this problem.
> In the Linux version of CAVE D2D perspective when I try to load gridded
> data (ex. GFS40 Temperature 500hPa
> as an image (versus. contour) the colorbar appears but nothing else.
> Occasionally a single color
> marking the grid area.
> The versions I have tried is 14.4.1 and the latest developmental version.
> Linux flavor is Cent OS 6.7 64 bit run as a Virtual Machine with VMWare
> Fusion 6.0.6 on
> an iMac with 3.5 GHz Intel Core 7 24GB memory, OS X 10.9.5. Graphics card
> is GForce GTX 80M 4GB
> I put in a ticket (ticket number is QBS679727), and eagerly waiting for
> the answer.
> Until then any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Gyorgyi Gyarmati
> Assistant Research Scientist
> Atmospheric Sciences Department
> Texas A&M University
> Email: gygy@xxxxxxxx
> Phone: 979-845-1482
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