Re: [awips2-users] Display a New Grid in D2D

You didn't mention creating a projection file in
/awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/base/grib/grids/ - perhaps you did
but did not mention it, but if not it would explain why the name isn't
being taken.

Feel free to send me your new files
from  /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/base/grib/models
and  /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/base/grib/grids/ (and an example
grib file if possible), and I'll take a look on my end.

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO

On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 2:58 PM, Serra, Mr. Efren, Contractor, Code 7531 <
efren.serra.ctr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I re-started edex_camel and re-insgested manually, but it’s still
> ‘GribModel:…’ in Product Browser and in grid_info table in “psql metada.”
> Efren A. Serra (Contractor)
> SAIC/DeVine Consulting, Inc.
> Naval Research Laboratory
> Marine Meteorology Division
> 7 Grace Hopper Ave., STOP 2
> Monterey, CA 93943
> Code 7542
> Office: 831-656-4780 <(831)%20656-4780>
> *From:* Michael James [mailto:mjames@xxxxxxxx]
> *Sent:* Monday, April 03, 2017 1:49 PM
> *To:* Serra, Mr. Efren, Contractor, Code 7531
> *Cc:* awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* Re: [awips2-users] Display a New Grid in D2D
> On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 2:37 PM, Serra, Mr. Efren, Contractor, Code 7531 <
> efren.serra.ctr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi – I went through the sequence of steps in Adding a new grid to EDEX
> below; most of it worked, with the exception of the model name in the
> Product Browser under Grid. The model names display are “GribModel:52:0:30”
> and “GribModel:58:10:0”, instead of name as specified in the
> gribModels_NRLMMD-52.xml and gribModels_NRLMMD-58.xml files, e.g.,. which I
> placed under:
> 1.       /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/base/grib/models
> 2.       /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/site/MON/grib/models (MON
> stands for MONTEREY)
> Are these correct?! Thanks for your help. Image attached shows the names
> displayed in the Product Browser.
> Both locations are correct but the second one is unnecessary unless you
> want to supersede any of the definitions in the first.
> I can't tell if you restarted/re-ingested after making these changes...
> after adding or editing files in 
> /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/base/grib/models
> you will need to restart edex (service edex_camel restart) and re-ingest
> the grib files again (copy again to /awips2/data_store/manual).   If you
> already did restart/reingest then there is something else which needs to be
> resolved, and we'll have to look at your new grid projection file and these
> model definitions more closely. Let me know if this is the case and we can
> continue this off-list.
> -Michael
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