[awips2-users] Winds not plotting in AWIPS

I just want to send a gentle reminder about wind plots not working in AWIPS 
CAVE.  I don't have an expectation for repairs to be done, but the 
unavailability of vector fields is a very significant omission and it removes 
probably 70% of the forecasting value of AWIPS.  I just want to see if someone 
might take a look at this.

Quick runthrough: Start AWIPS CAVE, go to Models, NAM 40km, show 850 mb 
Wind/Height.  You will only get heights.  The wind data does not plot.  Also 
wind data does not plot on any product at all in any of the menus.

Also related, the Surface > METAR Plot data doesn't plot but I know this has 
been acknowledged.  I get "METAR Not Loaded", even though the panel shows 
"20.0400" which is current.  Upper Air data (e.g. for 250 mb) has the same kind 
of problem.

I have a public outreach on YouTube (MetLab) where I sometimes demonstrate 
AWIPS CAVE, and each time I can only show them the scalar fields like height. 
It would be great to be able to show more capabilities.

Relevant details:
Last mentioned in the list: 11/7/2016, confirmed by other users
My build: awips-cave.amd64.msi (V16.2.2) downloaded in November

Tim Vasquez
Norman OK

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