Re: [awips2-users] Winds not plotting in AWIPS

I do have the same issue on Linux and Mac OS X as well on both the Unidata 
Public EDEX and my private one. 

> On May 19, 2017, at 11:31 PM, Tim Vasquez <tim.vasquez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
> wrote:
> I just want to send a gentle reminder about wind plots not working in AWIPS 
> CAVE.  I don't have an expectation for repairs to be done, but the 
> unavailability of vector fields is a very significant omission and it removes 
> probably 70% of the forecasting value of AWIPS.  I just want to see if 
> someone might take a look at this.
> Quick runthrough: Start AWIPS CAVE, go to Models, NAM 40km, show 850 mb 
> Wind/Height.  You will only get heights.  The wind data does not plot.  Also 
> wind data does not plot on any product at all in any of the menus.
> Also related, the Surface > METAR Plot data doesn't plot but I know this has 
> been acknowledged.  I get "METAR Not Loaded", even though the panel shows 
> "20.0400" which is current.  Upper Air data (e.g. for 250 mb) has the same 
> kind of problem.
> I have a public outreach on YouTube (MetLab) where I sometimes demonstrate 
> AWIPS CAVE, and each time I can only show them the scalar fields like height. 
> It would be great to be able to show more capabilities.
> Relevant details:
> Last mentioned in the list: 11/7/2016, confirmed by other users
> My build: awips-cave.amd64.msi (V16.2.2) downloaded in November
> Tim Vasquez
> Norman OK
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