[cf-satellite] Query related to CF conventions

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I have an issue related to CF conventions 2D coordinate variables (I mean
lat/lon arrays corresponding to satellite images)
I have been able to handle the case where lat/lon arrays have one to one
correspondence with satellite imagery pixels.
But if we have some scaling like:
1. Image Data ( 5600* 5600)
Lat/Lon Arrays (1400*1400) each

Or I have the other ways
2. Image Data(1400x1400)
Lat/Lon Arrays (2800*2800).

How to indicate that in the image pixel should refer to which Lat/Lon array
Like in first case every four pixels of image correspond to 1 lat/lon array

I am using HDF 4 for writing products.
I have tried to search on internet. It says something about dimscale. But I
am not aware what exactly to do.

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