Re: [cf-satellite] Query related to CF conventions

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On 7/28/2011 10:32 PM, ghansham sangar wrote:

I have an issue related to CF conventions 2D coordinate variables (I mean lat/lon arrays corresponding to satellite images) I have been able to handle the case where lat/lon arrays have one to one correspondence with satellite imagery pixels.
But if we have some scaling like:
1. Image Data ( 5600* 5600)
Lat/Lon Arrays (1400*1400) each

Or I have the other ways
2. Image Data(1400x1400)
Lat/Lon Arrays (2800*2800).

How to indicate that in the image pixel should refer to which Lat/Lon array pixel. Like in first case every four pixels of image correspond to 1 lat/lon array pixel.

I am using HDF 4 for writing products.
I have tried to search on internet. It says something about dimscale. But I am not aware what exactly to do.


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HI Ghansham:

1. I understand that HDF-EOS has a convention for your situation. Are you using that? Could you explain how it works?

2. CF uses netCDF as its file format. HDF4 lacks shared dimensions, so is not an complete fit to the CF model. Why are you writing in HDF4?

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