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Dear Tim, I wanted to follow up on your message earlier this morning concerning the strategy for bringing in the 88D wide band data. (For those seeing thisfor the first time, I repeat Tim's message below.)
I need to double check after last week's email exchange that ONENET will connect to the 8-port RIDDS hub and bring the uncompressed/unaltered base data stream to Norman and any LDM processing will be done in Norman. I want to be able to tell the Southern Region folks what the connection involves and that you are not looking to install LDM PCs in the forecast offices at this time. Thank you. Tim
As I noted earlier today, the above assumption is correct. However, I hope we haven't lost our flexibility in this regard. The strategy described above would prevent us from compressing the data at the radar site, and thus would preclude us from using much cheaper and lower bandwidth links, as discussed in our meeting two weeks ago. In other words, we'd be running a full T1 into every radar link when only a 56K line might be required. I don't know whether the Regents are going to go for this...they're certainly willing to pay the T1 costs if necessary, but if we put a PC running LDM at each radar site, we would have a more effective, sensible system because we could compress the data before its shipped out. My understanding is that this particular solution is not attractive because it would require each local NWS office to manage yet another computer. But Tim, I'm wondering ifwe could present a counter-argument about the benefits each office would be getting from the data/analyses/forecasts, not to mention the use of another PC
as a web browser, etc. I realize these aren't easy issues, and that space is another consideration. But I would like to suggest that we contact the WFOs in question to get their response. I just can't see the sense in shipping huge volumes of data when it's not necessary. Indeed, if CRAFT is to be a viable blueprint for the future, the proposed strategy would certainly be identified as its weakest element, particularly in the eyes of funding agencies from whom we'll be seeking support for research in distributed computing, data compression, etc. Thanks for considering my thoughts! Sincerely, Kelvin -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Kelvin K. Droegemeier, Director E-mail: kkd@xxxxxx Center for Analysis and Prediction of Phone: 405-325-0453 Storms FAX: 405-325-7614 University of Oklahoma WWW: Sarkeys Energy Center, Rm 1110 100 East Boyd Street Norman, OK 73019 USA