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What should I make of these error messages and how can I fix them?I'll be happy to provide the grib data files for anyone willing to help (ARPEGE.grb and
M1_ARP_short.dat are 133KB and CEPMMT.grb is 58MB). I am new to all thisgrib stuff so I don't even know where to begin and I don't really have time to study the
matter significantly.C:\Programming\Libraries\Java\NetCDF>java -Xmx256m -classpath grib.jar;jpeg2000.
jar;junit.jar ucar/grib/grib1/Grib1Dump C:\temp\Grib\ARPEGE.grbNotSupportedException : ucar.grib.NotSupportedException: table for center: 85 su
bCenter: 0 number: 1C:\Programming\Libraries\Java\NetCDF>java -Xmx256m -classpath grib.jar;jpeg2000.
jar;junit.jar ucar/grib/grib1/Grib1Dump C:\temp\Grib\CEPMMT.grbNotSupportedException : ucar.grib.NotSupportedException: table for center: 98 su
bCenter: 0 number: 2C:\Programming\Libraries\Java\NetCDF>java -Xmx256m -classpath grib.jar;jpeg2000.
jar;junit.jar ucar/grib/grib1/Grib1Dump C:\temp\Grib\M1_ARP_short.datNotSupportedException : ucar.grib.NotSupportedException: table for center: 85 su
bCenter: 0 number: 1 Thanks! Matthew Hanna