Re: NotSupportedException Reading Grib1

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Hi Matt-

The error indicates that the tables needed to decode the
files are not included in the distribution.  It appears
that these are from the French Weather Service (center 85)
and ECMWF (98).  You need to have the parameter tables from
these centers so the decoder can match the the parameter id
to a name.

Two suggestions for improvement of the decoder are:

- a better message rather than an Exception output when
this happens.
- having a default table that is used (based on the WMO

There is a mechanism for creating your own tables and
incorporating them.  See:


Matthew Hanna wrote:
What should I make of these error messages and how can I fix them?
I'll be happy to provide the grib data files for anyone willing to help (ARPEGE.grb and
M1_ARP_short.dat are 133KB and CEPMMT.grb is 58MB).  I am new to all this
grib stuff so I don't even know where to begin and I don't really have time to study the
matter significantly.

C:\Programming\Libraries\Java\NetCDF>java -Xmx256m -classpath grib.jar;jpeg2000.
jar;junit.jar ucar/grib/grib1/Grib1Dump C:\temp\Grib\ARPEGE.grb
NotSupportedException : ucar.grib.NotSupportedException: table for center: 85 su
bCenter: 0 number: 1

C:\Programming\Libraries\Java\NetCDF>java -Xmx256m -classpath grib.jar;jpeg2000.
jar;junit.jar ucar/grib/grib1/Grib1Dump C:\temp\Grib\CEPMMT.grb
NotSupportedException : ucar.grib.NotSupportedException: table for center: 98 su
bCenter: 0 number: 2

C:\Programming\Libraries\Java\NetCDF>java -Xmx256m -classpath grib.jar;jpeg2000.
jar;junit.jar ucar/grib/grib1/Grib1Dump C:\temp\Grib\M1_ARP_short.dat
NotSupportedException : ucar.grib.NotSupportedException: table for center: 85 su
bCenter: 0 number: 1

Matthew Hanna

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307
        "Time makes everyone interesting, even YOU!"

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