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Hello Bryan, Good question. The satellite data is coming from various space agencies (JAXA, NASA, ESA, E umetsat - members of CEOS) in various formats (e.g. HDF-EOS, CEOS, etc.). T he data is being subsetted to 250 by 250 km squares centered over each of th e 35 Reference Sites, its being regridded from satellite swath to a lat/lon grid, and its being output in a standard format which is BSQ, 2 bytes, binar y. So, we need to convert the data from BSQ (Band Sequential) to whatever. We could convert it to Geotiff and put it on a WCS directly. Our primary p urpose in participating in GALEON is to learn the technology of a WCS client reading gridded data in NetCDF files. In the CEOP project, in addition to (> 1,000,000 scenes of) gridded satellite data, we also have (about 30 to 50 terabytes) of gridded model output data, so it will be useful to know how t o view both the model output data and the satellite data in a WCS client. Right now my job is to investigate the technology of and the effort required to convert a few scenes of gridded satellite data to NetCDF-CF format and g enerate the necessary ancillary metadata in order to participate in GALEON. I will also look at converting the same scenes to Geotiff format and view t hem with the Space Time Toolkit. After we have a clearer understanding of t his we can decide how to go forward in our R&D efforts. We're looking at ma ny different methods and technologies for data integration in our system. A ll of these technologies will potentially be useful in our future systems an d in GEOSS. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you, Ben JAXA/RESTEC At 14:50 2005/09/20 +0100, you wrote: > > Hi Ben > > I'm intrigued to know why you would want to put satellite data (which > presumably starts in HDF or something similar) in NetCDF for an > *interoperability* experiment based on OGC protocols? > > If the existing data format wont support an OGC server, then an approach b ased > on converting to NetCDF and using Stefano's middleware and taking part in > Galeon makes perfect sense ... However, if you have data which could be > served up directly by an alternative WCS implementation then I would have > thought you and the Galeon community would both benefit by showing how the se > differing data host formats can be served up *together* using OGC protocols. > > Of course it makes perfect sense to be involved using that data which star ts > life in NetCDF as well ... > > (Note the major assumption that someone has a good way of serving up the > satellite data via a WCS). > > As a side issue, can anyone confirm that CF has a good way of encoding > satellite scenes? > > Regards, > Bryan >