Re: weather station observation data in netCDF

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Can you provide a URL for this service (the weather data). It is hard to judge it without being able to see what the service does.


-Roy M.
On Jul 23, 2007, at 3:15 PM, Ron Lake wrote:


We are currently handling this type of data using WFS with GML observations or more explicitly GML application schemas (mainly for the observation result) for the observation result. We are doing this with weather data, radiation data, traffic data etc.



From: owner-galeon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Ben Domenico
Sent: Mon 7/23/2007 3:11 PM
To: Unidata GALEON
Subject: weather station observation data in netCDF


One of the issues confronting GALEON is the appropriate mechanism for serving point data of the sort that is collected by weather reporting stations. It could also be ocean buoys or river gaging stations or air quality monitoring stations, but at Unidata we work with a lot of real-time weather data so that's easiest to experiment with. As part of the THREDDS Data Server NetCDF subset service, there is now an option to use a browser interface to request a subset of the real-time weather station observations on our motherlode server:

In addtion to several options for specifying parameters, spatial bounds, and a time subset, one can also request different output formats:

-- "raw" is the form in which the METAR observations are transmitted
-- "xml" is a dialect of xml that's reasonably easy to decipher
-- "csv" is comma separated values
-- "netCDF" is a special netCDF encoding for this type of data

From the GALEON point of view, an interesting question is whether it makes sense to try to serve this form of netCDF data via the WCS interface. Or is it more appropriate to use the WFS or SOS interface for these data collections?

It would also be interesting to know whether any of the GALEON clients would be able to work with the netCDF-encoded data delivered by such a server via any of the interfaces.

Your thoughts on these issues would be appreciated as well as reports on any experiences you have in attempting to work with the resulting netCDFs.

-- Ben

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