RE: weather station observation data in netCDF

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These are ot currently public services (DHS) - but I will see if we can provide 
you additional details. The schema, a GML version of ANSI 42.42 (one of the 
schemas in use) is public and I can send that to you. Essentially we are using 
WFS to record and redistribute sensor data. Sensors generate WFS transactions 
via gateways (no sensors talk WFS/GML today directly), while requesters use WFS 
requests to see the data, usually upon the occurence of an untoward (unusual) 
event detected through the data.


From: Roy Mendelssohn [mailto:Roy.Mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Mon 7/23/2007 3:31 PM
To: Ron Lake
Cc: Ben Domenico; Unidata GALEON
Subject: Re: weather station observation data in netCDF

Can you provide a URL for this service (the weather data).  It is hard
to judge it without being able to see what the service does.


-Roy M.

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