Re: [galeon] WCS CF-netCDF profile document

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it is exciting for us WCSers to get a clearer pic on what is actually
wanted when talking about irregular meshes. Can we somehow start
collecting requirements in  an ordered manner, say a Wiki page?

What I am most interested in:
- data structures: all information about what you expect (eg: general
TINs vs warped grids)
- operations: you mention subsetting, what about others? reprojection I
   Note that WCPS (Web Coverage Processing Service), a WCS extension,
allows processing of coverages, and extending this in parallel makes me
ask deeper here.
- formats: NetCDF, of course ;-) ...any other formats wanted by the
- "anything else" that contributes to the scenario - in the end, some
use case scenarios IMHO serve best.

We might start with a matrix for the communities (is metocean one or
several in this respect?) and gradually massage it into one requirements
list for presentation to the WCS group.

@Ben: as the WCS Twiki is not open to all on this list, could we have
some place with r/w access for all GALEON people on the GALEON Wiki?


Keiran Millard wrote:
Dear Jon,

I have been watching this discussing unfold over the last week, a
relating back to use cases I am familiar with.  Early discussions have
asked "what is a WCS use case?" and also by implication "what is a WFS
use case?" - indeed (IMHO) high level convergence between the various
OGC specifications is needed to address this.
My concern comes from the perspective of the coastal community and the
discussion on 'lowest common denominators' focussed on serving 2D
regular grids.  Datasets based on 2D regular grids are increasingly
obsolete technology in the coastal community and so technology that does
not support serving unstructured meshes is unlikely to be adopted.  The
typical coastal community has to deal with a range of coverage types;
single point time series, profiles, grids and meshes.  I would argue
that the coastal community has requirement for simple 'bulk transport'
of data across a range of "coverages" - points, grids and meshes.  Any
service that delivers this needs to support subsetting; but possibly not
coordinate conversion.  The other requirement is for extensive metadata
about the measurements.

At this present time we deliver a single point timeseries coverage
through a WFS.  It works, but certainly not scalable to other coverages.
However, it needs to be considered that really what I am being served is
a feature that describes the observation process {O&M / CSML territory),
plus the result of the observation as a bonus.

So in summary, agreement on what's in and out of scope for both WCS and
WFS is needed.


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