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Hi, At the US IOOS (Intgrated Oceans Observing System) DMAC (Data Management and Communications Subsystem) Steering Team meetings last week, a topic with important GALEON implications came up. Please note up front that this is all very tentative at the moment and very much in the "investigation" stage. But, with the next OGC Technical Committee meeting coming up in June, we should begin considering the pros and cons and other implications. David Arctur of the OGC suggested that we submit the CF-netCDF directly as an OGC standard. As I understood his suggestion, the general idea would be that CF and netCDF would be for binary data what GML and XML is for text data. To me this was a very innovative (if not radical) suggestion and questions arise whether this would involve the file format, the API, ncML, ncML-GML, CSML and possibly other facets related to CF-netCDF. In spite of the question marks, I think this is really worth some careful thought. Since the concept was so new to me, I asked David if there were any precedents that might serve as a template for how we might proceed. In response, he sent a list (appended below without any implied endorsement) which includes specification examples for file formats and for the APIs. Fascinating idea. . -- Ben ============================================= Geographic Objects (GO-1) - this is a fine-grained API pushed by a federal agency, very little uptake, but it's an API that became an OGC standard. KML 2.2 - see what they did. Simple Feature Access, Part 1: Common Architecture - this is an interface with different platform-specific encodings (COM, CORBA) and SQL access (see next two references for the most used platforms) Simple Feature Access, Part 2: SQL Option Simple Features for OLE/COM OGC Reference Model (ORM) -- this is the roadmap for OGC standards evolution and maturation; in your proposal for CF/netCDF describe how it fits in the roadmap. (pdf & doc downloads from this page) Best Practices - index page (includes next two references below) Binary XML (BXML) Encoding Specification, OGC 03-002r9 (Craig Bruce, CubeWerx) Specification Best Practices, OGC 06-135r1 (Carl Reed) - This document describes a variety of Best Practices and Specification development guidance that the Members have discussed and approved over the years. These Best Practices have not been captured in other formal OGC documents other than meeting notes.