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Hello all, > As I understood his suggestion, the general idea would be > that CF and netCDF would be for binary data what GML and XML is for text > data. To me this was a very innovative (if not radical) suggestion So whould he try to change the media type to "application/cf+netCDF3" to reflect his idea? I think this is a natural way of thinking, but last July I thought it was not going to gain wide support in cf-metadata community. -- TOYODA Eizi On Sun, 10 May 2009 10:38:42 -0600 Ben Domenico <Ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi, > > At the US IOOS (Intgrated Oceans Observing System) DMAC (Data Management and > Communications Subsystem) Steering Team meetings last week, a topic with > important GALEON implications came up. Please note up front that this is > all very tentative at the moment and very much in the "investigation" stage. > But, with the next OGC Technical Committee meeting coming up in June, we > should begin considering the pros and cons and other implications. > > David Arctur of the OGC suggested that we submit the CF-netCDF directly as > an OGC standard. As I understood his suggestion, the general idea would be > that CF and netCDF would be for binary data what GML and XML is for text > data. To me this was a very innovative (if not radical) suggestion and > questions arise whether this would involve the file format, the API, ncML, > ncML-GML, CSML and possibly other facets related to CF-netCDF. In spite of > the question marks, I think this is really worth some careful thought. > Since the concept was so new to me, I asked David if there were any > precedents that might serve as a template for how we might proceed. In > response, he sent a list (appended below without any implied endorsement) > which includes specification examples for file formats and for the APIs. > > Fascinating idea. > . > -- Ben > > ============================================= > > Geographic Objects (GO-1) - this is a fine-grained API pushed by a federal > agency, very little uptake, but it's an API that became an OGC standard. > > > KML 2.2 - see what they did. > > > Simple Feature Access, Part 1: Common Architecture - this is an interface > with different platform-specific encodings (COM, CORBA) and SQL access (see > next two references for the most used platforms) > > > Simple Feature Access, Part 2: SQL Option > > > Simple Features for OLE/COM > > > OGC Reference Model (ORM) -- this is the roadmap for OGC standards evolution > and maturation; in your proposal for CF/netCDF describe how it fits in the > roadmap. > (pdf & doc downloads from this > page) > > Best Practices - index page (includes next two references below) > > > Binary XML (BXML) Encoding Specification, OGC 03-002r9 (Craig Bruce, > CubeWerx) > > > Specification Best Practices, OGC 06-135r1 (Carl Reed) - This document > describes a variety of Best Practices and Specification development guidance > that the Members have discussed and approved over the years. These Best > Practices have not been captured in other formal OGC documents other than > meeting notes. > > -- TOYODA Eizi <toyoda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>